
Showing posts from August, 2014

More Thoughts on the Ordinary Life

During the time between my grandmother's passing and her funeral, the four granddaughters sifted through photos to put together a memorial collage. Looking at those pictures, many of which I'd never seen, was like walking through my grandparents' life together. As we narrowed them down to create a collage that adequately captured my grandmother's spirit, one in particular jumped out at me.  I couldn't stop staring at it. To see the photograph and read more, join me at Out of the Ordinary .

Finishing Well - Letters on Pursuing the Intentional Life

A while ago my friend Trisha reviewed Pursue the Intentional Life by Jean Fleming. I already had the book on my wishlist. Trisha's review  sparked me to move it off the wishlist and into my shopping cart. Sometime after that, Becky told me she was reading as well and suggested the three of us write a series of blog posts about the impact the book has made on our lives. Join me over at Trisha's lovely blog today as we continue discussing how to finish well and pursue an intentional life.

Intentional and Ordinary Living

After a summer sabbatical from Out of the Ordinary, I'm back to pay tribute to my grandparents. They lived their lives in accordance to Psalm 16:5-6 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. You can read the post here .  Meanwhile, I'm continuing to ponder long and hard the intentional and ordinary life.