Thankful Thursday

Praising the Lord this week for:

~Garden bounty.

~The Lord's correction. Painful, but so necessary.

~Grace and new mercies.

~Rejoicing with friends. They've been waiting for an occasion for far too long.

~High School graduations. We have a niece & a nephew who are moving on to the next phase of their lives.

~The end of the school year, even though it's a bittersweet reminder that time with my girl at home is fading fast.

~My husband's life. As we celebrated another year, I couldn't help but praise God for allowing our lives to merge into one. He is a tremendous blessing to me.

Blessings all mine, with 10,000 beside!


Kim Shay said…
Don't these years with a teen pass by quickly! Praying for your godly influence in her life!

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