Thankful Thursday

Praising the Lord this week for:

~birthdays of family and friends I have the honor to call mine

~a long weekend full of productivity and rest

~LaColumbe coffee in a pristine white mug

~the rhythms of everyday life

~this reminder and encouragement...
What a privilege to have God as our God! What a happy condition when nothing can hurt you! If one loses his name, it is written in the book of life. If he loses his liberty, his conscience is free. If he loses his estate, he owns the pearl of great price. If he meets a storm, he has a harbour; God is his God, and heaven is his heaven. If God is our God, our soul is safe. It is hidden in the promises, in the wounds of Christ, and in the decrees of God. If God is our God, then all that is in God is ours. How happy is he who not only inherits the gifts of God, but inherits God himself! In his wisdom, he is ours to teach us, his power shall support us, and his mercy shall save us. God is an infinite ocean of blessedness, and there is enough in him to fill us. He gives us peace in trouble, and when there is a storm without, he will make music within. The world gives trouble in peace, but God gives peace in trouble. ~Thomas Watson (source)
Blessings all mine, with 10,000 beside!


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