Thankful Thursday

It's been a long while since I've written a Thankful Thursday post. I'm hoping this will spark my blogging creativity and that I'll start posting with some sort of regularity again.

This month, I've been especially thankful for:

~fresh strawberries, picked from a local patch

~celebrating my dad's birthday

~Mother's Day with some of my favorite people, on a baseball diamond in one of my favorite places

~some particularly good books, among them Made for More: An Invitation to Live in God's Image and True Beauty. More to come on both.

~my pastor and his wife

~days of sunshine after what seemed like a constant deluge of rain

~the unconditional love of my husband and my daughter

~the gospel

Blessings all mine, with 10,000 beside!


Leslie said…
Those strawberries look DELICIOUS!! So pretty!

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