Advent Pondering #1

God's promised Messiah was a merciful gift of love to a people who needed both mercy and love. He could come to them in all their pain, brokenness, and struggle, and make everything new. They were desperate for this, and the proof of their desperation was perhaps most evident in the fact that they couldn't bring themselves to live as though this promise was real.
~Russ Ramsey, Behold the Lamb of God

The gift of the Messiah is no less merciful today. Right here, right now. In the midst of my sinfulness - my stubborn pride, my harsh words, my critical spirit - God's mercy through Christ pours over me. I am in need of mercy and love. Oh! how great is that need! He meets it, without fail.

He comes into my pain, brokeness, and struggle every day. Every day. Yet I am so wrapped up in my flesh that I forget God became flesh and dwelt among men in order to redeem me from this broken world. From suffering and sorrow. From sin and guilt. Like the children of Israel, I am desperate. I do not live as if his promises are true. I focus my eyes on the small and cheap of this world, rather than the grand and precious of his kingdom.

But his promise, it is real. The Messiah came. There was no earthly fanfare, but the glory of the Lord pierced the heavens to reach down to us. He still comes. In the pain and weariness of everyday life, he comes. In the frustration of repeated mistakes and lessons not learned, he comes. He comes and he gives grace upon grace.

My head knows it. My heart believes it. Does my life reflect it?


Camille said…
Truly beautiful my friend. Yes, the glory of heaven came down to redeem His people from their sin. How amazing it is to ponder these things anew. Big Hugs to you! Love, Camille

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