a tale of two paths

Each time I leave my neighborhood - my comfort zone - I am faced with a choice. I cannot go straight ahead. I must choose, left or right.

To the right, and I will be met with rocks, potholes and dust. Yet it is quicker, and I often turn that way when I am in a hurry.

To the left, and I will find sheep grazing and a church that rose from the ashes. The lightning strike is emblazoned on my memory, much like the flames that burst forth and the black smoke that seemed to hover for days. In one brief moment I saw God aim His power to consume a temple constructed by man. He had something greater for His people.

I can reach my destination by either path.

The bumpy road or the smooth one.

The parched earth or the green pasture.

The choice is mine. I wrestle it more often than I should. Most days I instinctively turn to the easy route, but some days I involutarily choose the other. I set my jaw to absorb the jarring, squint against the dust, and pray I'm not causing any permanent damage to my car. Sometimes the road isn't as bad as I thought, but not as often as I'd like.

Inevitably, when I've reached the other side I promise myself never to travel that way again. And I keep my word.

Until the next time.

Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all the day long.
-Psalm 25:4-5


Camille said…
You do write beautifully, Melissa. You are a blessing. Hugs! Camille xo
Camille said…
Dear Melissa ~ Happy New Year! I trust you had a lovely Christmas with your family....what a blessing these special times of the year are! I did just want to stop by one last time to let you know that I have stopped blogging. However, I would welcome keeping in touch via email....or snail mail....a phone visit sometime would be lovely as well. :) May the Lord bless you as you seek to follow Him wherever He may lead in the coming days. With Much Love, Camille
Theresa said…
It is March, 2017. Yesterday I discovered your blog. Today I discovered you have chosen to disconnect blogging quite some time ago. I will continue to read and enjoy old posts. You write well and of things that interest me. God bless you as you journey o the path that God has set you on.......your sister in Christ.

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