
Onyx patterns stand against the pale morning. The shapes recognizable, but not distinguishable. The sun has yet to illuminate the unique features of each tree. I am reminded of a portrait that hung in my grandparents' home. A child's profile stamped onto creamy paper, her identity hidden. 


As a young bride, I sit beside the man whose heart is so freshly knit to mine. The artist uses scissors rather than a brush. When he is done, I survey his handiwork. Somehow we two are joined together; our individual characteristics are not visible. Our marriage not yet defined. This new creation is unmarked by years heavy with life. Nearly three decades later the outlines may look slightly different, but the people within them have been much altered by grace, love, and loss.


Isaac, a sacrificial son bound by obedience. Did he chafe against the ropes? Did he beg his father to find another way?

David, a shepherd boy from Bethlehem. He cared for his sheep. He ascended to the throne.

John, whose unlikely birth shook a community. He proclaimed a heavenly kingdom. He called people to repentance.

Incomplete shadows of the one who would come.  The one who took the form of a servant, healed the sick, and walked on water was a mere glimpse of the Alpha and the Omega; his glory yet to be unveiled.


Our earthly eyes deceive us. We see dimly. Truth is disguised. Beauty, hidden. There is a false confidence that seeing is believing. We have forgotten that we walk by faith, not by sight. For now, we see only silhouettes. But one day we will know fully, as we will be fully known. 

When the light shines, the object is finally and perfectly revealed.

Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; 
but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 
~1 John 3:2


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