Thankful Thursday

Praising the Lord this week for:

~Friends who join me in prayer.

~The God who answers. Not always in the way I expect, but always for good.

~Family time

~Dinner out with a friend I rarely have the pleasure of seeing

~Wise words from our pastor on resolving theological differences of opinion

~Garden bounty. I believe I could almost be a vegetarian in the summer months.

~Traveling mercies for my husband as he commutes to work each day

~The Lord's timely provision

Blessings all mine, with 10,000 beside!


Kim Shay said…
Oh, I agree about the summer vegetables!
Becky said…
So grateful for you this day. You bless me in so many ways!
Jessica Kramasz said…
Ooooh...I'm still waiting for fresh garden vegetable. *jealous*
Even the farmers market doesn't have much yet. We had a very late spring...

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