Intentional Living

During the months preceding my December social media hiatus I spent considerable time contemplating the quiet life and how best to cultivate it. As I thought about changes I've made and still more that need to be made, I concluded that it's not just a quiet life that I want, but a more intentional one.

There are several areas of my life in which I want to be more intentional, however in this quiet place I will share but two. 

Intentional Reading. My past reading plans have set me up for failure. I've tried to read too many books, gotten sidetracked by the latest "must read", and generally been overwhelmed so that, at times, reading has been a chore. No more! I have developed a reading plan that allows me to immerse myself in certain topics. This year I will be leading a monthly study of Aimee Byrd's Housewife Theologian: How the Gospel Interrupts the Ordinary. In order to give this study the attention it deserves, all of my reading - including fiction - will be focused on the subject of each chapter. The list of books I'll be reading can be found in the Reading Intentionally in 2014 Tab of my blog.

My Bible study will also be limited to whatever book my pastor is covering at church. One blessing of having a pastor who preaches expository sermons is being able to read and study ahead with commentaries. We're starting Exodus, and I'm using Exodus: Saved for God's Glory by Philip Graham Ryken.  As I prepare to hear each week's sermon, I'll read through other Scripture that clarifies what I'm studying. I've begun a 2-year plan to read through the Bible with D.A. Carson's For the Love of God, Volume 1, using Mark Dever's The Message of the Old Testament: Promises Made and The Message of the New Testament: Promises Kept as resource material.

Reading intentionally will allow me to give what I'm reading the thought and attention it deserves.

Intentional at Home. My social media break helped me realize how much time and energy I was wasting, and how I should be a much more intentional wife, mother, daughter and friend. By focusing on putting my family and their needs ahead of my own, I will be serving them as Christ would have me to. I want the people in my life to see my eyes full of love for them, not glazed over from too much time staring at a computer screen.

Being intentional at home will allow me to give my family and friends the thought and attention they deserve.

A quiet, intentional life. I like the sound of that.


Kim Shay said…
I have Dever's book on the OT. I really like it. I do plan on getting the NT book at some point, too.
Your plan to read books focused on the subject of each chapter is such a wise one. Thanks for including a list of the books you plan to read on your blog!

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