Around the House: October

The morning fog testifies to the cool night that has passed. Peanuts, at long last unearthed, lie on the ground in wait. Pumpkin spices fill the air. Autumn is slowly creeping in.

As the days grow shorter, I am:

~Preparing to celebrate my daughter's 16th birthday and wondering how we got here this quickly.

~Enjoying the final weeks of field hockey season.

~Purging closets and drawers.

~Relishing the feeling of accomplishment an orderly and simple home gives me.

~Hoping for energy to tackle the attic.

~Delighting in my nightly visit to Mitford. I'm reading the first book, At Home in Mitford. Yes, I know I'm woefully behind the times! I've decided to crawl out from under my rock.

~Studying The Word of the Lord: Seeing Jesus in the Prophets by Nancy Guthrie.

~Having a blast teaching children's Sunday School with my husband.

~Whittling my blog reading list. The taunts of the unread posts in my reader were entirely too much to handle.

~Still pondering limitations in my life and how to accept them.

~Considering what to do with this space. Suggestions? Anyone? Anyone?


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