Thankful Thursday

This week, I am particularly thankful for:

Twenty-two years of marriage, thanks to the love of a godly man & the Lord's abundant grace. We're closing in on knowing each other longer than not knowing each other. We are in a sweet spot right now and I don't want to take that for granted.

A quiet neighborhood that allows me to hear the birds singing.

These words from my niece. Her daughter has been diagnosed with a rare disease, but she's not taking it lying down. My heart breaks for the road she walks every day, but I remember God's sovereignty and goodness even in this hard thing.

Precious girl...

Support near and far for my niece's family. The Lord is pouring out His goodness upon them. If you'd like to join us in prayer, please visit for more information.

The opportunities the Lord is giving my girl to grow this summer.

God's mercy and grace. I'm so thankful He chose me because I never, never would have chosen Him. I don't have it in me. I find it strange, the concern that God would choose people against their will and "make" them become believers. The truth is, in choosing me He did go against my will; he showed me that my will was leading me to Hell and only in setting it aside would I gain Heaven.


I've realized that one of the keys to a quiet life is to concentrate on living the life God has assigned to me, and to allow others to do the same. Comparisons are a trap. So are expectations. When I'm concerned about what others are doing (or not doing), I neglect what the Lord has called me to do.


Camille said…
What a sweet, sweet post. It's a little window into your heart my friend. Interesting, isn't it...realising that we have known our husband longer than we didn't...this year marks being married longer than not married for us!! How did THAT happen?! And, yes...praying for that sweet, precious little girl and her family. XOXO
Anonymous said…
Beautiful post.

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