Around the House: November

I'm not sure when I've been so happy to turn the calendar page. October was suddenly and unexpectedly difficult this year.

Grieving with friends through tragedy.

Marking my girl's final birthday at home.

Senior year expenses that I'm quite sure will never end.

Walking with my girl through the stress of college essays and applications.

A painful truth that I didn't want to acknowledge, but can no longer ignore.

Though even in these trials the Lord has been good, knowing that hasn't erased the hard of it all. There were days when I wanted nothing more than to crawl under my covers and weep. October is gone and I am relieved. I am thankful.

In this month of gratitude, I am:

~Just finished with a book that was so beautifully written, it took my breath away at times

~Thrilled that the college applications have nearly all been submitted

~Anxiously awaiting to see where the Lord will place my girl next year

~Planning ways to make this holiday special for my girl and for friends who are in the throes of fresh and deep grief

~Considering how to ponder well the Incarnation

~Contemplating community - online and off

~Thinking about starting a bullet journal of sorts (I like this modified version, but even that may be too much for me to tackle)

~Wondering how best to love the people in my life

~Aware that I fall so short in that area

~Trying to decide if I should make a 2016 reading plan

~Looking forward to resuming my blogging plan


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