A Plan

Last time I mentioned that I had an inkling of what this space will be. I've been giving it quite a bit of thought - much more than I've given this blog in quite some time. I do have a plan, one that I hope will inspire me to write and create this spot of peace and rest.

The changes here are being wrought from changes at home. I've been overwhelmed for far too long. I need space to stretch out, to breathe - spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I'm learning once again to simplify.

Spiritually. I've been back and forth about Bible reading plans. Every time I try to start one, I fail. Yes, I believe that reading the Bible in its entirety is important, but putting a time frame on it is overwhelming to me because I also like deep study. However, deep study itself can also be overwhelming. There have been times I've spent a week studying 2 verses. I need to simplify. I'm blessed to have a pastor who preaches expositionally (which means we just spent 18 months in Exodus!), so I'm devoting my daily study time to the passage we read the week before. Right now it's 1 Corinthians and I'm using The Message of 1 Corinthians written by David Prior to supplement my study. Spending one week on a single passage is the perfect balance for me; it's a steady pace that allows me time to deeply consider life application.

Our Sunday School class just started James. Each Sunday afternoon I will be reading James (Reformed Expository Commentary) by Daniel Doriani as a companion to the class. Although I might want to study this book more thoroughly, trying to do so while studying 1 Corinthians would only be setting myself up for failure. Since James is not a long book, I hope to read it completely each week in one sitting.

I also began reading a Proverbs a day this month. I plan to repeat this every month. The Proverbs are such good reminders of my own foolishness, pride and sin! I'm praying that this more streamlined approach to my Bible reading/study will help me to grow in my knowledge and love of the Lord.

Physically. Once again, I find myself surrounded by too much stuff. I've been cleaning out for the past month, and there's still much more to do. The more I purge, the more I want to purge. Why have 5 things on a surface when 1 or 2 will suffice? I've discovered that having no appliances on my countertops makes my kitchen feel bigger, fewer knick-knacks cut down on my cleaning time, and less visual clutter calms my spirit.

Emotionally. I work outside of our home, but I have Friday afternoons off. For years I've used that time to schedule appointments, buy groceries, and run errands. Circumstances in recent weeks have caused me to buy groceries on Saturdays instead, and I still had time for the Saturday chores. So I started giving myself a break on Friday afternoons. If I don't have any appointments, I come home to spend a few hours alone - blogging, reading, and maybe even getting a jump start on Saturday chores. Knowing I'll have this time at the end of the week gives me something to look forward to, and works much better for me logistically.

Giving myself a designated time to blog is important, as is having a clear purpose. I hope to have two posts each week - one about what I'm learning in my studying and reading, and another about what I'm learning in my home. Thanks, friends, for joining me as I continue to pursue the quiet life.


Camille said…
Sounds like a GREAT plan my friend!! I hear your heart through your writing and it is beautiful. I think Friday afternoons off is a wise thing to implement...isn't it wonderful when the Lord gives us clarity on things that we didn't seem to *see* before? And, isn't Reformed teaching/preaching such a blessing?? Hugs to you! XOXO
Leah said…
I could have written this same post, Melissa! I'm joining you in setting some goals in the cluttered areas of life. My blog has been dormant for so long though, that I'm not sure I even remember how! Posting once a month would be more to my liking. :) I have missed you, and am looking forward to some time to catch up with you via your blog!

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