
No chilling winds nor poisonous breath 
Can reach that healthful shore; 

Sickness, sorrow, pain and death, 

Are felt and feared no more.

A gentle man, not much older than I, lay on a bed in his living room because his body won't allow him to sit. Our small group worshiped together. The depth of his heartfelt but quiet "Amen" to this verse hummed loud in my ears even after the last chord was strummed and the voices died.


What must it be like to walk in his shoes? I wondered. How could I think my problems count for anything in light of his? His body has been wracked by pain for a decade and still he worships, while looking forward to the day when he will be completely healed. He knows that day is coming. He trusts in it. It is his hope.

The Lord humbles me at the most unexpected times. I often speak of faith as something to be measured and quantified, while this man must literally count the number of his steps each day.  I am reminded of a man who couldn't walk and the friends who labored to carry him to the Great Physician. They were persistent enough to destroy a roof and strong enough to lower their friend through it. All God asks of me is to carry my friend to Him in prayer. Surely that is a measure of faith, isn't it?

Perhaps healing will come tomorrow, perhaps not on this side of Heaven. But healing will come for my friend, and for all of those who believe. Yes, and Amen.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, 
neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore,
 for the former things have passed away. 
- Revelation 21:4


Liz said…
Beautiful. Thank you. Quiet truth to gentle the soul and temper every fear.

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