
This space was dormant for nine months. Until a couple of weeks ago I had not visited here since last summer when I wrote two posts from the depths of pain and anger. I suppose I could cite numerous underlying causes, but the fact is that I could not bear to see my wrestlings on a screen. I can't say why I hit "publish" on the two posts I did write, but to take them down now feels dishonest somehow.

These nine months have seen no lack of words in my life. I would probably be crushed under the weight of the words I read, spoke, heard, and wrote. Words have been my friend for as long as I can remember, though I've come to understand how deeply they can pierce us, cut us off at the knees. And I've also learned how restorative they can be.

Nine months of silence broken. A child is knit together in that amount of time. I feel as if I have been knit back together, patched up but stronger. As the Lord has purged the bitter, He's left me with sweet glimpses of Himself and the Christ-follower I should be. They are only glimpses, but I keep searching and He is always faithful.

My desire to write has been reborn. I want to document what I see and what I aim for, but differently this time. No platform and no social media etiquette. No numbers and no debates. Just the musings of a woman seeking to live a quiet life.

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