Thankful Thursday

From my quiet corner of the internet, I'm praising the Lord this week for:

~The body of Christ, near and far. It's wonderful to know we are not bound together by geography, but rather by the grace of God.

~The providence of God, even in small things. Little details remind me how much God loves and cares for us. I especially delight in them when my girl is the recipient of such blessings.

~This bittersweet life without Mama, as we mark her birthday and Mother's Day this weekend. It's been a long 14 months since I've heard her voice. I still miss her so, but I also rejoice that we will meet again.

~Discussions with my girl, during the least expected moments. I'm particularly thankful for opportunities to talk about the perils of living in a fallen world and to express gratitude for saving grace.

~The joy of watching my girl mature, physically, mentally and spiritually.  The teenage years offer plenty of opportunity for learning and growth, for mother and daughter alike.

~Laughter and hugs, with friends, young children, teenagers, and my sweet husband. It's been a week full of them.

Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


Persis said…
Praying for you this week-end. <3
Kim Shay said…
I'll be thinking and praying for you this weekend, too! Love you!

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