Thankful Thursday

Praising the Lord this week for:

~A symphony concert with my husband. A violin solo always turns my insides to mush.

~Marking the birthdays of my Dad, my Mama, and a most special little girl.

~The gift of mothers. Besides my biological mother, the Lord has given me numerous older women  - believers and unbelievers alike - who have "mothered" me throughout my life.

~His grace when the guilt of past sin oppresses me. Confronted by an event in my life prior to salvation, I literally felt as if I were suffocating. Then I remembered Romans 4:22-25 and I could actually feel the burden ease. Hallelujah! what a savior!

~Hearing His Word exposited and the Gospel preached faithfully Sunday.  

~Evidences of His work and long-awaited answer to prayer. 

~The delight I've found in this small corner of the internet. This new home has refueled my love of blogging and reminded me that I best enjoy a small blogging community. Blogging quietly and intentionally has given me the focus and the inspiration I need.


Kim Shay said…
"A violin solo always turns my insides to mush."

Me, too! Also the same with a cello.
Persis said…
I'm glad you've got your writing refueled, Melissa. I still have my ups and downs. :)

Hope to catch up with you face to face soon.

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